I know that there is some hope for the future when I type HESAA into Google and find lot’s of negative reviews on social media. I mean, it was bound to happen right? Saddle Millennial’s with future crushing debt, add the internet and you have the kind of frustration and anger that is boiling up out of the depths of the Lake of Fire known as HESAA.



 I really liked this most recent POSITIVE review of HESAA on Yelp:

“I don’t know what everyone is talking about. This place is great and their high interest rates are phenomenal. ” – The Devil

Sadly a few random posts, some good stories  people venting their anger online (including on my blog) are not going to fix this demonic “Authority”. Our next step is to get organized!  Stop back for next month’s installment and I hope to have good news for you about our first ever HESAA HELL meetup! 

Interested in doing some advanced planning and organizing? Hit me up at hesaahell@gmail.com.

-Mark Hesaa

Categories: Uncategorized


Deborah Carney · April 21, 2015 at 1:42 am

We are gaining some momentum here….me petition is showing up on the first page of google; I have had many NJCLASS loan borrowers email me their stories; I think the strength of this movement will be in the amount of people we can organize…let's keep this up…

Kara Wirth · June 18, 2015 at 10:47 pm

I just sent an email to Mark Hesaa – I am in tears over my situation and my mom (cosigner) just got a wage garnishment letter today. I have no idea what to do.

Shawn Deny · August 24, 2015 at 6:38 am

Future crushing debt, add the internet and you have the kind of frustration.

student loan comparison

Sharon Michelle · October 22, 2015 at 7:41 pm

I am so happy to have found your page! You give me hope. I owe $130,000. I have been drowning these past 6 years trying to pay my student loans.

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